Full Monty Yoga

By Ms. Walla
In The Write Threads
Apr 10th, 2014

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girl curlCan you believe that a New York Yoga studio has a dress code, or should I say, a no dress code?

Yes, it’s true.  The Bold and Naked Yoga Studio has been “going naked” for some time now, according to John Boone, author of the March 24 article in the Daily Mail.  When most of us think of yoga, we think of deep, cleansing breathing, quiet, earthy music, slow, relaxing movements and a time to release all our worries and cares.  Well at this studio they are taking yoga to a new level of freedom; with no obstructions or hindrances, just your naked self, as well as everyone else in attendance!  The reasoning behind the co-owners’ decision to implement “full monty” yoga is, “being comfortable in your own skin and accepting your flaws”.  Well that’s all fine and dandy because I know what my flaws are but I certainly don’t want to see my neighbors!!!

I’ve attended many yoga sessions before and let me tell you I have no desire to see myself or others in the buff as we’re attempting “downward dog”, “bridge” or “plow”.  Holy Moly!!!  I feel vulnerable enough when I’m fully clothed and my legs are spread apart as I’m doing “half moon”…and let me tell you, I don’t want to see anybody else’s “half moon”, if you know what I mean!!

Well, I think I’ve been very clear as to why naked yoga is not suited for me; however, I’m not saying it shouldn’t be offered.  Obviously there are people who have a lot more confidence and less inhibitions than I do.  For those people who yoga in the buff, I take my hat off to you…now use it to cover yourselves!!!!

Happy shopping,

Until next time,


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