A letter to Mom

By Ms. Walla
In The Write Threads
May 9th, 2015

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11168549_833969876679626_366561078668290782_nA letter to Mom

Dear Mom,

It’s almost Mother’s Day and this is the fourth year I have walked passed the card display and haven’t stopped to read the great selection of cards expressing love for the special moms in our lives.  You know mom, I always had a difficult time choosing the right card for you and always spent an incredible amount of time finding the card with just the right message that correctly stated the message I wanted to convey.  If the card was addressed to “Mother”, I automatically dismissed it as you were always “Mom” to me.  The word “mother” sounds a bit too formal and stiff to me, whereas “mom” is more casual and approachable…which you were. 

The contents of the card had to be genuine and not “gushy” or superficial.  You were never “over-the-top” with bling or extravagant in any way.  Your appearance and actions were always in good taste and you did your best to try to “fit in” without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself, so the chosen card needed to reflect that look as well.  Keeping that in mind, half of the cards on the shelf were automatically dismissed as they didn’t meet that criteria.  The font also had to be on the simple side…not too fancy or elaborate because that wasn’t your style either.

Judy Muren and Family

Judy Muren with Mom and Siblings

Since you loved to garden and sew, I usually chose cards that included drawings of beautiful flowers or quilts.  In your spare time if you weren’t out tending to your flowers and yard, you were sitting at your sewing table creating one of your beautiful quilts, either for a family member or a total stranger.  You had such an amazing heart, mom, and always thought of others before yourself.  The quilts you made and donated to homeless shelters or to young mothers were made with the same care and love as those you lovingly made for your many grandchildren and other family members.  I, myself, am blessed to have four beautifully crafted quilts that I occasionally wrap myself in and feel the warmth and tenderness of your touch around me. 

The card color could be any pastel, but yellow.  For some reason you never liked that color and I can only think of one clothing item that you ever owned that was yellow and it was given to you as a birthday present.  Unfortunately, mom, somehow dad was able to convince you that a yellow Mercury Marquis with a white vinyl top, was just the perfect car for you in the early 1970’s and you drove that car for many years!  As kids we knew you didn’t like the car (it was as big as a boat and was a real “eye catcher”…if you know what I mean!), but it wasn’t a Buick, like most of your previous and subsequent future cars were.  You were a good sport having to drive a car that you really disliked for all that time.  I can’t help but think that dad and Uncle Ev got a “good deal” on the car and thought you’d like it!  Poor dad.  When it came to buying you gifts, he didn’t have a clue!  He purchased countless presents for you over the years that were “so not you”, but you graciously accepted them and tucked them away in your drawer the best you could.  Unfortunately, a Mercury Marquis was a bit too big to hide away in the closet! 

So mom, I hope you can see that choosing the perfect Mother’s Day card that conveyed the right message, appearance that was simple but elegant, and was the correct color, was much more than a simple task.  All of the elements needed to be perfect, just like you!  You were a wonderful mom and I feel so very blessed to have had you in my life as long as I did.  You were the most giving, unselfish, caring, and generous person I have ever known and I’m so glad you were my Mom.  I miss you terribly and wish you were here so your wonderful grandchildren and beautiful great-grandchildren could enjoy the nicest and most gracious person, affectionately known to them as Gaga.  Love you forever and ever,

Your daughter,



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